Put the code in the “Content” section of a cms page. The following code needs a category with some products added. Please ensure that this category is not active on frontend. Depending on the template “type” and the actual “template” the following code might be different.

<div>{{block type="smartcatalog/product_promo" name="quick_pick" template="webandpeople/smartcatalog/list-home.phtml" category_id=“10" image_width="250" image_height="250" column_width="144" products_count="5" }}</div>

The above code can also be written in layout xml file or “Design” section of a cms page like below

<block type="smartcatalog/product_promo" name="related_products" template="webandpeople/smartcatalog/list-home.phtml">
<action method="setCategoryId"><category_id>10</category_id></action>
<action method="setColumnCount"><columns>5</columns></action>
<action method="setImageWidth"><image_Width>250</image_Width></action>
<action method="setImageWidth"><image_Height>250</image_Height></action>

See the difference of how the code is changed from html type to xml type.

If no custom theme in use “type” could be “catalog_product/list” and “template” could be “catalog_product/list“.

Categorized in: